Matthew Vaughn is moving this versatile history in a lively, controlled pace. There is a lot that with a maturity of more than two hours, but fortunately the time passes quickly. Most of the attention is focused on the development of the characters of Charles and Erik, his friendship and his eventual fall, and this is the glue that holds together the film. McAvoy Fassbender are excellent in their respective functions and impressive chemistry together; the most poignant and interesting movie scenes belong to them alone. Despite the complaints of the purists of the strip on the freedoms that film plays with the source material, manages to Xavier and Magneto presenting it as fresh and rich characters worth.
This reinterpretation first-class interesting as a movie, but in my opinion (as a long time comic book fan) improving they contain characters from the comics never forms. Xavier as a naive man who touch and the ethics that go along with the reading of the account still has not learned: makes some interesting topics and moments of humor. See Erik makes as a kind of twisted powers James Bond is exciting, Fassbender and intensity that this another role for the rapidly expanding star two male leaders does not try to imitate the actions of Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen, singer of films instead, the functions.
However, while the story of Charles/Erik the main focus is (and is worth the price of admission in and of itself), it would be the title of this movie a story about a large bowl together team. This aspect of the film (the real X-Men team) is not as developed or interesting, and some fans will have a big problem with that. We are a group of mutants in the film, but with the exception of the central role of Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence), the rest of the mutants (good and bad) should usually only is filled with scenes of the action or in the case of Emma Frost (January Jones), some ridiculous costumes (which the film can be justified … species).
For his part big as Mystic, subtlety and depth Lawrence to add to a character that normally eye candy was in earlier films. Charles and Erik, Vaughn manages to explore the nature of mysticism in a way that is more interesting that the two movies or comics have actually presented her even though we know inevitably his bow. Other performances of note is a menacing Super Villain charming, Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw without crossing in extravagant territory or hammy.
Some people will be disappointed that members of the X-Men team little more players of stunts in this film, but the scenes of battle against mutants are impressive. As with Kick-Ass, Matthew Vaughn shows that a great Director is when it comes to sequences of action and first class, perhaps the best action to freeze this side of the 2 X or Spider-Man 2 superhero. While the singer movies tend to make them every moment of consumption, implements Vaughn mutant powers (and special effects that are) fetishize in the film for which the suspension of disbelief almost effortlessly (although a blue beast Praomys see still feels really good).
The ‘ 60s aesthetic and historical images also mix in the film, at a time in honor of the time, while still feeling modern enough that’s not a period piece looks. There are some wonderful stylistic Vaughn work at various points (first-person POV, split screen configuration); Now and then, but the movie feels a bit unbalanced or unpolished in his Edition (probably due to the rushed production schedule), although the average film fans are unlikely to take account of these plates.
Filed under: Latest News | Tagged: james mcavoy, mystique, x man, xmen
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